Speak to Hammerlock in Moxxxi’s and he will have another job for you. Heed the call by entering the Holy Spirits Bar and talk to Mick Zaford to complete this part of the series. As soon as you do that, Mick Zaford will put out a call for help to take down the Hodunks. Place the dynamite on the distillery and then the emblem on the ruins. Once it blows, place the emblem on the tire and then head to waypoint at the far west of The Dust to enter the Highlands and to find the Holy Spirits bar in Overlook. Grab the two emblems from behind the garage and then head over to the Hodunk Speedway and place the dynamite of the scaffolding that is holding up the giant tire. Once they have been gathered, you’ll need to pick up two clan emblems from her junk…yard. To start things off, you’ll need to grab two pieces of dynamite from inside her garage. After receiving this mission from the bounty board in sanctuary, talk to Ellie in her garage in The Dust and she will want to start a war between the Hodunks and the Zafords.